16 March 2017

The Importance Of Keeping Clean

Now everyone knows how important it is to keep clean. To keep yourself fresh and irresistible to those around you. But it is also important for your intimate health and potential partners.

Genital Hygiene For Women

For women, this is a serious business on the verge of obsessive due to the aroma, daily discharge and monthly menstrual cycle. But over cleaning can be causing more harm than good. 
  • The Vagina (the inside) doesn't need cleaning as the body has its own way of keeping this well balanced and does not need any extra help. If done so, this can cause an imbalance of the body's natural ph and also let bacteria in to do its nasty business.
  • The Labia (the outside) does need cleaning with a ph balanced soap and plenty of water. Also cleaning after intercourse will also help balance the ph levels and clear away some shared bacteria. Afraid that washing away potential STIs/STDs doesn't work. As your mother always said "Always wipe front to back!" can be said of washing also. To prevent any contamination from your anus to your labia, always wash front to back.
  • The Anus should be last to be cleaned, in order to stop contaminating your wash cloth, sponge and water with bacteria from this area. 
  • Wash cloths and towels should be kept separate and cleaned after each use.
  • When an infection is being treated, extra care when it comes to washing and contamination should be taken. Wash cloths and towels immediately, not leaving them in the laundry for later. To lessen the contamination of other clothing etc.
  • Maintaining cleanliness during that time of the month doesn't need to be different from your normal routine. Using full covering cotton undies rather than a thong can help lessen perspiration and potential bacteria from breeding. 

Genital Hygiene For Men

Many may think that for men, they don't feel they need to wash as much as been as they do not bleed once a month! But they need to wash just as women do.
  • The penis, scrotal area and anus all need washing once a day. The urethra (inside of the penis) doesn't need washing and can cause damage. Uncircumcised men should pay more attention to their foreskin and penis head is cleaned thoroughly. 
  • This area should be cleaned after sex, even when wearing a condom, to prevent bacterial build up and nasty odours. Loose fitting clothing can reduce the likelihood of perspiration and potential aromas. Do not apply aftershave or deodorant directly to the genital area.
  • If either partner is known to have an infection, sharing this information is paramount for the appropriate actions to be taken.
If sex toys are used, cleaning them is a must. Please refer to manufacturers cleaning requirements. Toy cleaner and warm water are widely implemented.
Hand washing should be part of your hygiene routine. Especially before and after touching food and going to the bathroom. 

Details are from Hygiene Expert.

Please stay safe and enjoy more of an intimate lifestyle.


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